Sunday, November 6, 2011

Book Review: hush, hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

hush, hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

"Suspenseful and quite a page-turner.  I couldn't read put down the book.  I wanted to know more about Patch."

Grrr...I had to stop reading [to get some sleep] since my eyes were so tired from reading nonstop.

At first, I thought it would be light reading which would help me doze off but by the end of chapter 1, I was hooked.  Patch is...Patch is so attractive, while Nora is vulnerable and relatable.

This story sometimes jumps around in their relationship, but I guess it's kind of hard to describe the progression of their understanding of each other.

I got the impression that their attraction to each other is a 'sexual' feeling.  I would have liked to know that their attraction was not just from hormones,[etc] but it was somehow foreshadowed in the book.  The first chapter introduces us to the main characters (Nora Grey, Patch, and Vee Sky) in a Biology class, specifically Human Reproduction. 

Throughout the story, there is a sense of foreboding.  There were a couple of times when I got caught up in the story.  If someone heard me while I was reading the book, they might have thought that I was losing my mind since I kept on saying "Watch out, Nora!" and "Patch is THERE!"

My most favorite element in the story is Patch.  I was intrigued by him.  Just as Nora was interested in Patch, I also wanted to know more about him.

All in all, I enjoyed reading Hush Hush.  Although, I have to admit that I will be reading it again just to see if I missed something due to my exuberance with the story.

I'm excited to read the second book, Crescendo.

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